Get services for all your residential needs.
Our services
We serve individuals who don’t fit into the traditional 24/7 setting but need daily residential support. Helping Hands works with case management to provide quality services to you based on the case manager’’ plan and tailor it for you. NOTE": HHCS “doesn’t have housing options for clients at the moment”.
Helping Hands will assist with finding therapists in your network. No one should suffer from mental health issues in silence so you can move forward with confidence.
Job Coaching
If you are seeking employment, Helping Hands will assist with finding a job coach.
Helping Hands will set your appointments for your mental health needs and work with your medical professonal for medications as well.
Doctor visits
Helping Hands will set doctors’ appointments, as well as transport you to and from. Additionally, Helping Hands will retain your medical records on file according to Hippa standards.
We understand how hard it can be having a disabled family member let us lend a hand with your needs.
The purpose of this policy is to promote and understanding of the responsibilities of Helping Hands Community Services regarding the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
1. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-91, and its Administrative Simplification provision, 45 C.F.R. 160, et seq.,45 C.F.R. 164, et seq., collectively referred to hereafter as HIPAA, have established national standards for electronic healthcare transactions and the privacy of health data.
2. Helping Hands Community Services LLC will transmit electronic healthcare transactions in accordance with HIPAA.
3. Helping Hands Community Services LLC will protect the privacy of Protected Health Information in accordance with HIPAA and the rules specified in Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information and applicable state laws governing the use and disclosure of health information.
1. Helping Hands Community Services LLC will give each person and/or legal guardian receiving services from Helping Hands Community Services LLC the Notice of Privacy Practices prior to services being provided.
2. Helping Hands Community Services LLC will train each employee on the Notice of Privacy Practices prior to providing services to any individual. In accordance with Hippa HHCS will keep all client files locked away for 6 years and then destroy all contents.