Find a healthcare provider who meets your needs.
Connecting you with us
What are you looking for?
You’ll be asked a few questions to help us tailor our suggestions.
Personalized suggestions.
We’ll share who from our team is the best fit for your needs and preferences.
A HHCS member will come out and meet with you.
"Helping Hands Community Sevices likes to make each person’s needs feel important and paints a unique style to each type of disability by making it work for the person ."
This is a frequently asked question?
Does HHCS work with people who have 24/7 needs unfortunately we do not at this time.
Do you provide housing?
HHCS doesn’t have housing options, we work with individuals who already have homes that would like services for.
what changes in life when we pick HHCS
We will work to provide the best service and make it fit your health care needs. We will follow your case plan and put it to use.